Saturday, September 29, 2007


Its been almost two weeks since I have posted. The biggest thing that happened in this time was that Anna graduated. That was this last Tuesday. The ceremony was at City Hall. It was a really cool ceremony. They started with the doctoral students and for them they read out a little summary of what their work had been on. It was quite amazing to hear about some of the cool things these students had been working on. Another cool part was watching the traditional custom of some of the students. They had two garlands on and when they received their degree, they took off one of them and put it around the neck of the chancellor. When one of the students got her degree, here mother (I guess) got up and sang out a song for her. Everyone stopped to wait for her to finish. It was pretty cool.

Anna's dad had come over from Fiji for the graduation. It was nice to spend some time with him. We also had a barbeque for Anna on Sunday. Chu and I had marinated all the meats on Saturday night. We started cooking early so that a bunch of the food would be ready when the guests started arriving. Along with the guests the rain also arrived. We pulled out the blue tarp and tied it between the house and some trees to continue with the party. My flatmates, Andrew and Natalie also came for the party. We had so much food - I think we were eating for hours.

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